Sunday, January 11, 2015

an abundance of goals

Ciao Ragazzi,
    yes, its been a while since I made an appearance on this small blog, but i have good reason friends. And that reason rhymes with drool (did you guess it yet) SCHOOL. Its been a stressful year, not gonna lie. I decided to take Honors Chemistry. And the more i think about that class the more i start to cry, however Mr. Galatis pretty cool and the labs are kinda awesome. But besides that, its worse than a bad toe stubbing. But forget the pity party, 'tis time to announce the el e p h a n t in the room! New Years! Now personally, you'll find my eyes in the back of my kidney when i hear a famous "New Year new me" monologue from the avid 15 year drinker across the room but i do agree, the new year should bring some sort of closure and shed light to the "fresh year" waiting to be filled with new memories. Let me hit you up with one of my personal favorite inspirational pep talks.
Page 1 of 365. Your turn to write the rest of the book -baby :;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
 And its exciting isn't it? Having all this time lined up in front of you, begging you to make something of it. Anyways, here is a list I've composed of some of my own personal goals. Enjoy :)
1. Both my friend and I have decided to be vegan for two month intervals. The reason being is that we are not doing it for the deep love of animal life (ouch sorry pigz of world) but just to give our bodies a cleanse now and then. I am excited. 

2. As cheesy as it may be, i want to be happy. Yes i know, what poor sorrow is a privileged 15 year old girl going through, and honestly I can't tell you exactly what but sometimes this world around me takes a turn on the depressing side and its up to me to flip it back up. 

3. Try harder. At everything, about my dreams, my classes, my relationships. Example: reading is probably one of my favorite things on earth. Yet i claim it is physically impossible to do because Im simply swamped with homework. But deep down, I know if i started homework at 3:30- i could have hours to read. Its extremely frustrating but if you tell me the minute you go home you do homework you are literally lying to my face. Do you want to lie to this face. tell me. do you. yes. no. you decide. lie. you feed me lies.

4. Stay clean. My body, my mind. I also like the word "pure" to describe what I mean. Like my room for example. I know these goals are so lame compared to the grand scheme of the world but i cant help it, these are the things i know will make me happy. wooooooo 

5. Work on my anxiety- this year it has gotten B A D. I mean, if I have someone next to me I know, i am perfect. Boom bam badabing badaboom. But its those times when I'm stranded. That this  unknown heat builds up in my cheeks and I hear my  fastened heartbeat in my ears. Its those times I worry for myself and wonder if this constant nervousness will ever end.

6. Explore, starting with home-- NYC bby. (also S.C, gosh i love S.C)  

So that is it my pupils, my goals for the year to come. I hope i can carry on out till the end, but who knows. Hey and by the end of the year, maybe some of these goals will be checked off. And maybe there will be a couple new ones added! That'd be great. And by writing it I have sealed a contract        


no stop it Cami 

with you. Meaning, I must continue on out with this journey to find my nirvana. 

Good bye my lovers, i hope you find your deepest passion this year

With an immense amount of love,
and to the people who poked fun about me wanting to be student of the month for a class i really do enjoy
That was mean.
And made me feel sad. 
which goes against goal 2
which means

you are excommunicated from me! I relieve you of your duty to be my enemy! 

Song of the Month: Robbers, 1975 (I'm late on the bandwagon) 


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