Sunday, June 22, 2014

     I'm relatively new to this whole blogging concept, and although it may be hard to believe I myself: the person at this very second typing away, hated blogs.
Well, it's because I was pretty ignorant towards the idea that people spent days typing their life out when .000001% of the worlds population would read it. But recently, I started to realize how much I love to write. So my thought process went something like this-
"Well I like to write,
I do enjoy the internet.
And in a matter of seconds I found myself typing away in Georgia font, because personally Times New Roman is strictly for school. Anyways, discussing my font preferences isn't what this blog is about, calm down. Today's segment, if you haven't already guessed, is loving as a teenager. And I do not claim to know what love is, I mean who truly does? But I do know a thing about what I like to call "loving from afar" something I, and possibly every teenage boy/girl, have spent a great number of years doing. Now his name was- is
A code name.  Because let's face it, he's on the top of the social hierarchy while I stand,
In the middle. A moist and uncomfortable area.
And if anyone ever found out that I was obsessed with him, I'd personally douse myself in gasoline and light the match. But thankfully, my three dear friends, which I refer to as "the gang" hadn't opened their mouths, and I certainly wasn't going to so I was in the clear.
I learned something from Car, mainly that, he would never be the one for me. And yes I'm 15, talking about love... but we all know what I'm feeling. We all know the thousands of butterflies that engulf your stomach when looking at the elbow of the person you admire. And it sucks, it really does, but it gave me something to dream about, so- if your reading this Car, thanks.
But it could never work, because he was him, a good looking, muscular, athletic, muscular, confident guy and let's face it..I'm well, not. And I'm fine with me. I love theatre, Claude Monet, and English Youtubers. So why was I so infatuated with him? I still don't know, maybe it was because he was everything I wanted to be. But that's too psychologically twisted to understand. Or maybe, it was his face. Yeah, it was his face.
I mean, no matter what gender or age you are, love will always be complicated. Whether it be a popularity issue (me), or your confused yourself. Anyways, the point of the post was just to say hi, and tell you about something that consumed me this whole year. Maybe this was my "letting go serum" or maybe I'll spend tomorrow deciding what I'll wear when I see him at the Earth Science Regents :)
       With love

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